Thursday, September 2, 2010

trina dolenz .

"I often hear men say, “It’s just sex,” as a way to convey that they are able to compartmentalize the affair and separate it from their primary relationship. Yet what happens is that the guilt and anxiety generated by the affair have to be squelched, and soon the man’s negative emotions overflow and are directed at his partner............"

‎"Women are very good at denial. They suspect that their partners are being unfaithful, yet in some cases even if they have irrefutable evidence, they still can’t bring themselves to fully believe it. "

‎"And so it goes. For every one step you take toward him, he takes two steps backward. For every two steps he takes toward you, you take two steps forward, making him step away again. It’s a perpetual dance that leads to frustration, disappointment, anger, and resentment."

“After all, who does he think he is? I’ve put up with all of his little quirks and nonsense. I’ve made sacrifices. So where does he get off acting so aloof, able to make time and be available for everyone but me?.” Yet even though many women find themselves furious with their men at this stage, they are not willing or able to confront their partners with their dissatisfaction, "